Location: Zarnizor, Tajikistan
Sector: Mineral exploration and processing
Source of funding: USD ? - Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, USD ? - Chinese Industrialist Company in China LLC
Total cost: USD 200 mln
Implementer (contractor/ operator): Chinese Industrialist Company in China LLC
Start (of construction): 2015
Planned completion:
Chinese Industrialist Company in China LLC
No reliable information can be found
Tajik authorities earned 1.3 bln TJS from taxes between 2014 and 2017. There are 2,354 local employees and 1,264 Chinese employees working at the facility. Along with a mining factory with a capacity of 1 mln tonnes per year, which was put into operation in 2016, this project implied the construction of a metallurgical processing plant with the capacity to process 50,000 tonnes of minerals per year in the city of Istiklol in 2017.
An investment agreement was made between the Government of Tajikistan and the Chinese Industrialist Company in China LLC. Since the company entered into operation, 375 mln USD has been invested in Northern Zarnizor.